At High Tek USA we are always available to our customers with our 24-hour tech support!
Lisa Lorraine, Marketing Director with High Tek USA speaks with High Tek's Service Manager, Jeremy Peterson, about what they are bringing to the Pack Expo and what makes High Tek so successful and sought after as a small manufacturing company in this industry.
As High Tek USA's Service Manager for more than a decade, why do you think customers seek out High Tek?
I believe there are three main reasons:
- Our 24-Hour Tech Support - We are always available to our customers whether they are small or large. If they have a problem, they can call our 24-hour tech support line and get someone on the phone 24/7. We also fix our competitor's machines. And we're nice!
- Excellent Manufacturing - I also believe it's because our machines are made extremely well and rarely break down. If they should, then we have all the parts in stock and get their machine up and running quickly.
- Ease-of-Use: Our machines are easy to use. We have everything the customers need and want on the machine without all the extra bells and whistles that just makes the machine harder to operate.
I assume most of your customers are in other states and countries, how do you diagnose a problem over the phone?
I would say that 9 out of 10 times we are able to diagnose a problem over the phone. Five of those nine times there is some type of operator error. In this case, we can usually get them up and running fairly quickly and their managers don't even have to know the system was down. We train the operators, so most can fix any problem that might arise. But just in case, we have our 24-hour support line right on the machine.
If it's something we can't diagnose over the phone, we offer emergency services and can usually get a technician out on the next flight, and overnight any parts we think we might need. This is rare with our machines, but we will also do it with our competitor machines as well. Our customers love that!
Training customers on your machines must be critical. What does your training look like?
This is a critical part of the purchase. First, we make sure that the machine has been set up properly. Second, we will write the programs that the customer needs and show them how they work. On the third day, we are hands-off and have the operators touch and run everything. We will create scenarios of things that might happen and have them troubleshoot the problem and fix it on their own. By the time we leave they are prepared.